Wednesday 4 July 2018

What are HTML, CSS, PHP - PHP Training in chandigarh

What are HTML, CSS, PHP and what are your

 uses for you?

In this article you will learn what HTML, CSS, PHP are and what are your use for you. This is basically
 a guide for beginners who are interested in learning about HTML, CSS or PHP and want to start 
learning them.


The full form of HTML is, Hypertext Markup Language This is a language that is used to create web
 pages and web applications. Generally HTML is used with other technologies like CSS and 
Javascript, and then the communication of websites across the world continues through the World 
Wide Web. There is an HTML document behind almost everything that opens in our web browsers.
 In other words Web browsers open HTML documents. HTML defines the structure of any one
 webpage and it determines how it will look in the page.

HTML pages are the building blocks HTML elements. As if you see an image in any web page, the
 <img> element is used behind it, which is basically called Image Tag in HTML. <P> tag is used for
 such a basic paragraph. Similarly there are many tags that are used to create the entire webpage.
 If you have a blog or website, which is made on WordPress you might not have ever needed to use
 these tags or to coding in HTML yet. This is because WordPress, such as CMS has been built in a
 way that is useful for non-techy people. But in reality, WordPress also lets people see the input
 converted by you in HTML. HTML documents have file extensions .html or .htm. But you would say
 that .html or .htm is not included with all the websites, but they are HTML documents, you will also
 go about it if you start learning it.

If you did not know anything about HTML before, you might confuse these things right now, but there
 is no need to worry about you, because now lots of resources are available online about HTML, so
 that Even beginner can become HTML expert in just a few days.
HTML is basically a standard for Internet, which is the work of The rules that they have made 
are used in HTML based versions as a standard throughout the world. The latest version of HTML is 
HTML5 now.
If you want to learn HTML, then  we provide best HTML Training & PHP training in chandigarh  more
  information visit our website .


CSS is a full-form, Cascading Style Sheets As HTML defines the structure of any web page, CSS is 
a language that lets you styling any web page. However, with the help of HTML, we can give styling to
 our web pages but only up to one limit. To make our webpage very good and beautiful, we need to use
  CSS as well as HTML.The websites around the world use HTML to define the structure of their 
webpage and then look good by styling with CSS. CSS is used in three ways, one way is to use the
 internal CSS by using the <style> tag in the HTML document, another way is to insert inline CSS
 using the style attribute in any HTML tag or element and the third The way is to create a separate file
 for CSS and write CSS in it. It is called external CSS stylesheet and it is of extension.css. 
The advantage of External CSS is that you can apply styling multiple pages at once to multiple HTML
 pages by implementing the same CSS file.In CSS you select tags or HTML elements and give them
 different styles. For example, if you want to change the background color of a paragraph, then select
 the tag and paste the background color of the CSS into it.

Static Vs Dynamic Websites

Before going about PHP, you have to understand the difference between Static and dynamic 
Websites.  Only the websites created using HTML and CSS will be called static websites, because 
by using them we create static web pages i.e. the coding we wrote once is fixed and accordingly every
 time the same thing in the web browser is open it occurs. But there is no need for such websites every
 time. Often, we need dynamic websites. Dynamic websites are websites that contain content 
hanges according to the user. With WordPress CMS we create dynamic websites only. Dynamic 
websites often use files from our site as well as a database.You can understand in static and dynamic
 fields such that the content of static websites is the same for everyone or they use any type of database. 
On the other hand, database is used in dynamic websites.


Using HTML and CSS only, we can not access the database. For that we need some server side scripting 
language. PHP is a server side scripting language which is often used for database connectivity. PHP is a
 full-form, Hypertext PreProcessor. This is a language whose code can not show to the user in HTML. 
Its code can only be seen by the web developer and it can also access the server. The PHP code uses 
the resources of the server and then does its job. To execute the HTML code, only user end resources are 
needed. But PHP can only run the server side itself.
With PHP you can create dynamic website of any kind. If you are a WordPress blogger, then you should know
 that WordPress is also made of PHP code. That is why you also need to set up a database for WordPress

Whatever posts, pages or other content you write in WordPress, it is stored in your connected MySQL database,
 not in any text file. Then with the help of PHP, WordPress fetches your content from the database and looks to the users.

This is the reason that if you have more traffic on your website, then you will need a more powerful web server.
 Because PHP will then load more loads on the server.
If you are looking php training in chandigarh then cbitss technologies is right place to learn php , photoshop , 
wordpress  , MySQL , And More language courses

1 comment:

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